I am a sexist, ableist, and all-around politically incorrect pig.
I enjoy listening to and cracking jokes about hippies and their hairy armpits. I snort whenever I hear words like 'handicapable', 'cisgender', 'African American', and the like. As soon as I hear someone go on tirades against the Patriarchy, or Illuminati, or Zionists, or Republicans, or global warming? Yeah, they're pretty much not only tuned off - most of the times, they're permalabeled as idiots.
To cite an specific example of eye roll-inducing comments? "I am still very offended by the portrayal of Chinese Americans in The Hangover."
Being politically correct will be the death of rational, thorough, logical thinking.
Believe me, I tried the whole politically-correct thing. I fancied myself an eco-conscious, diversity-loving feminist social-justiceist. Then I realised: the more you try to include the more you exclude. The less you try to insult the less you'll make everyone happy. It was so disturbing, so depressing ...
... until I listened to an Inner Voice that said: "flip them the bird. You're not making them happy now, you won't make them happy ever. Ignore. And go with what feels right."
I am a lot of bad things. I am rude, obnoxious, ill-tempered. The worst of all is, I am brutally honest. And I will not give a crap about your feelings once I am meddled with.
I will make you seethe in anger. If you fancy yourself all the things I thought I was, chances are you'll contact me. You'll let me know you don't agree, and how you think I make society worse nowadays, or what have you.
Rest assured that in 9 cases out of 10, your e-mail will make no difference (just ask your Senator). The best you can do is make me giggle as I read your rant, or make me reflect in the odd chance. The worst you can do is ... nothing. I will delete your message and my life will go on, as happy as it was before.
In short?
I am a rude, sexist, ableist pig - and I wouldn't change it for the world.