random thoughts, part 1
Posted on 7:33 AM, under blogging, Desperate Housewives, fandom, LGBTA, random thoughts, sexual abuse, Twitter
- On Twitter: seriously, if you use it to log every thing that happens in your life (and by every thing, I mean every-single-freaking thing)? Um, I'll assume you haven't left your room for like, a week. And that's kinda not good and certainly not positive in my Book.
- On Desperate Housewives: for a long time, I thought, "hey, this needs a bit more lesbians". What surprised me, in the most pleasant way: Katherine's storyline.
I've always believed sexuality is something more fluid than we dare to believe. So to see a woman in her middle-late fourties/early fifties having such a radical change in her sexuality and facing coming out ... a bit different than your usual storyline, don't you think? - On safe spaces, and discussion in said spaces: they cancel each other out, period. If you want a smart, well-rounded discussion, you have to look at both sides of the coin. And chances are, feathers will be ruffled and emotions triggered. So any "discussion" that takes place in a "safe space": pity-party or echo-room. Your call. But a discussion, it ain't.
- On blogging: currently planning a post about the Roman Polanski sexual abuse case. Possibly discussing disablism/disabled activism in the near future.
- On Conniving and Sinister: and also, this is valid for most sitcoms - if you have to include a laugh track, it's not as funny as you think.